Online or onsite, instructor-led live Google AdWords training courses demonstrate through interactive hands-on practice how to reach potential customers and increase business growth with Google AdWords.
Google AdWords training is available as "online live training" or "onsite live training". Online live training (aka "remote live training") is carried out by way of an interactive, remote desktop. Onsite live Google AdWords training can be carried out locally on customer premises in Halifax or in NobleProg corporate training centers in Halifax.
NobleProg -- Your Local Training Provider
Halifax - Purdy Wharf
1959 Upper Water Street, Halifax, Canada, B3J 3N2
Short walk from Scotia Square Mall, next door to the Casino Nova Scotia. 2 blocks from the ferry terminal, building has ...
Short walk from Scotia Square Mall, next door to the Casino Nova Scotia. 2 blocks from the ferry terminal, building has a bus stop right outside, 3 blocks from Citadel Hill Historic Site and Halifax City Hall.
Cette formation en direct avec instructeur en Halifax (en ligne ou sur site) est destinée aux spécialistes du marketing qui souhaitent utiliser les Google AdWords pour lancer des campagnes de marketing.A l'issue de cette formation, les participants seront capables de :
Mener une campagne Google AdWords qui capte des prospects de haute qualité.
Créer une campagne Google AdWords pour augmenter les ventes.
Mettre en œuvre une stratégie d'enchères pour rentabiliser les dépenses publicitaires.
Améliorer les campagnes de marketing existantes avec Google AdWords.
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