Feeling stressed, rushed and unable to focus?

Struggling with concentration and productivity at work? Or maybe looking for practical tools and guidance on how to be more present and connected with yourself and others outside of work?

Mindfulness can be the answer.

Mindfulness is a practice of deliberately focusing attention on the present moment. It involves learning how to be fully aware of our emotions, thoughts and bodily sensations in the here and now in order to gain more control over our responses. Mindfulness techniques have been found not only to be effective stress management tools but can also help increase productivity, creativity and enhance general wellbeing. They are linked to improved cognitive functions including attention and memory and increased self regulation and flexible thinking.

Mindful Breathing

This free webcast introduces one of the many tools useful in developing and practising mindfulness - Mindful Breathing. It is a simple, powerful and always available method of creating distance between us and negative emotions.

About Trainer

Patricia Lythgoe has a MA in Psychology and PG diploma in Psychotherapy and many years of experience of counselling people with variety of issues, including burnout, work related anxiety and depression.

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