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Thank you for sending your booking! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
Course Outline
Setting up Prerequisites
- Elasticsearch: Introduction
- Elasticsearch: Installation and Configuration
- elasticdump
- Brief Introduction to Kibana
- Nested Objects - Limitation to Kibana
Setting up Kibana
- Kibana: Install and Configure
- Configuring Elasticsearch and connecting Kibana
- Dynamic Mapping
- Limitations
- Tribe Nodes
Using Kibana
- Indices and Filters
- Discover Interface
- Time Filter
- Toolbar and Searchbar
- Field Lists
- Document Data and Context - Add/View/Edit/Delete
- Visualization Interface
- Aggregations
- Bucket Aggregations - Date Histogram, Date Range, Range, Histogram, Terms and Filters
- Metric Aggregations - Count, Sum, Average, Min, Max, Percentile, Percentile Ranks and Unique
- Create Visualization
- Chart, Line, Area
- Data Table
- Metrics
- Other Visualization Types
- Aggregations
- Dashboard Interface: Building, Merging, Loading and Sharing
- Graph: Configure, Troubleshoot and Limitations
Kibana: Dev Console
- Overview
- Shortcuts: Brief
- Settings and Configuring
Kibana in Production
- SSL encryption
- Load Balancing using Elasticsearch Nodes
- Managing Fields and Formatters
- Saved Searches, Visualizationad and Dashboards
- Apache/nginx proxy for security
- Install/Update/Disable/Remove Plugins
- Plugins Manager
Delegates should have a prior experience with elasticsearch and system adminstration in order to attend this training.
14 Hours
Testimonials (3)
I thought the training was very thorough and while we covered a lot of material, Martin made ample time for questions and gave good focus to each individual and their different requirements.
Jeán Thysse - Quidco
Course - Elasticsearch for Developers
I enjoyed the exercices gives a good insight.
Andreas Kukacka
Course - ELK: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana for Administrators
I genuinely liked learning a new skill.